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 5 Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy
September 23, 2024

5 Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

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Keeping kids active and healthy is important for their growth and development. Regular physical activity helps them build strong muscles and bones, improves their mood, and boosts their overall health. It also helps with better sleep and enhances their ability to focus and learn. Engaging in fun activities, like playing outside or participating in sports, encourages a healthy lifestyle and keeps them energized. By making sure they stay active, we help them develop good habits that will benefit their well-being now and in the future.

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

As parents, we all want our kids to be happy and healthy. One of the best ways to make sure our children stay well is by keeping them active. Being active helps kids grow strong, feel good, and do better in school. But sometimes it can be hard to know how to get kids moving and make healthy choices. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with these 5 easy tips to keep kids active and healthy.

Make Exercise Fun

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

Kids love to play, so why not turn exercise into a game? Here are some tips to keep kids active and healthy & some ideas to make being active fun for your little ones:

  • Have a dance session/ dance learning session in your living room
  • Play tag in the backyard
  • Set up an obstacle course with household items
  • Go on a scavenger quest search game in your neighborhood
  • Play hide-and-seek around the house

The key is to focus on having a good time, not on working out. When kids are having fun, they won’t even notice they’re exercising.

Try to combine things up and try some of the unique activities. This keeps things exciting and helps kids find what they like. Maybe your child will love jumping rope, or perhaps they’ll discover a passion for soccer. The more options you give them, the more likely they are to find something they truly enjoy.

Remember, you don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership to get moving. Use what you have at home or in your local park. A ball, some chalk for hopscotch, or even just your imagination can lead to hours of active play.

Limit Screen Time

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

TVs, computers, tablets, and phones can be great for learning and fun. However, too much screen time can keep kids from being active. It is one of the important tips to keep kids active and healthy. Here’s how to find a good balance:

  • Set clear rules about when and how long kids can use screens
  • Make bedrooms “screen-free” zones
  • Turn off screens during meals
  • Lead by example – put your own devices away and spend time being active with your kids

Instead of watching TV or playing video games, try these active alternatives:

  • Read a book together and act out the story
  • Build a fort with blankets and pillows
  • Have a pillow fight
  • Play board games that involve movement, like Twister

By limiting screen time, you’re giving your kids more chances to be active and use their imagination. This doesn’t mean you have to get rid of screens completely. It’s all about finding a healthy balance.

Get Outside

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

The great outdoors is full of opportunities for kids to be active. Fresh air and nature can do wonders for their health and mood. It is also a great tip to keep kids active and healthy. Here are some ways to enjoy the outdoors:

  • Go for a family walk session or bike ride which is great
  • Visit a local playground
  • Plant a garden together
  • Have a picnic in the park
  • Play catch or Frisbee

Even in bad weather, you can still get outside. Put on rain boots and splash in puddles, or bundle up and build a snowman. Just make sure to dress for the weather and stay safe.

If you live in a city, look for green spaces like parks or community gardens. Many cities also have free outdoor fitness classes or events for families. Check your local community center or parks department website for ideas.

Being outside isn’t just good for physical health. It can also help kids feel calmer, sleep better, and be more curious about the world around them.

Make Healthy Eating a Family Affair

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

Eating well is just as important as being active. Get your kids excited about healthy food by involving them in meal planning and cooking. Here are some tips:

  • Let kids help choose fruits and vegetables at the store
  • Have them assist with simple cooking tasks, like washing vegetables or stirring
  • Plant a small herb garden and use the herbs in your cooking
  • Make funny faces or shapes with fruits and vegetables on the plate
  • Try new foods together as a family

Remember, it’s okay if kids don’t like every healthy food right away. It can take time to learn to enjoy new tastes. Continue providing a range of healthy choices without applying any pressure.

Here are some easy, kid-friendly healthy snack ideas:

  • Apple slices with peanut butter
  • Carrot sticks with hummus
  • Yogurt with berries
  • Whole grain crackers with cheese
  • Homemade trail mix with nuts and dried fruit

By making healthy eating a fun family activity, you’re teaching your kids good habits that will last a lifetime.

Be a Good Role Model

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

Kids learn by watching their parents. If you want your children to be active and healthy, show them how it’s done! Here’s how you can set a good example:

  • Be active yourself – go for walks, ride a bike, or do some yoga at home
  • Eat healthy foods and try new fruits and vegetables
  • Talk positively about being active and eating well
  • Join your kids in active play – don’t just watch from the sidelines
  • Show them that exercise can be a way to feel good and have fun, not a chore

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay to have treats sometimes or to have days when you’re less active. The important thing is to show your kids that being healthy is a normal part of everyday life.

By being a good role model, you’re not just telling your kids how to be healthy – you’re showing them. This can be much more powerful than any words you say.

Putting It All Together

Keeping kids active and healthy doesn’t have to be hard or boring. By making exercise fun, limiting screen time, getting outside, eating well as a family, and being a good role model, you can help your kids develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Remember, every family is unique. What works well for one may not be effective for another. Feel free to explore various options and discover what suits your family best. The key is to keep the experience enjoyable and positive. Here are some final tips to consider:

Here are some last tips to remember

Tips to Keep Kids Active and Healthy

  • Start small. You don’t have to make big changes all at once. Even small steps towards being more active and eating better can make a big difference over time.
  • Be consistent. Try to make healthy choices a regular part of your day, not just something you do once in a while.
  • Praise effort, not just results. When your kids try a new activity or food, tell them you’re proud of them for giving it a go, even if they don’t love it right away.
  • Make it a family affair. When the whole family gets involved in being healthy together, it’s more fun and more likely to stick.
  • Be patient. Changing habits takes time. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t change overnight. Continue with your efforts, and you’ll begin to see results.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to raising active, healthy kids. Remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect but to create a lifestyle that helps your children grow, learn, and thrive. With a little creativity and effort, you can make healthy living a natural and enjoyable part of your family’s everyday life.


Q: How much exercise do kids need each day? 

A: Kids should get about 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This doesn’t need to be completed in one go. It can be spread out through the day in shorter play times or activities they enjoy.

Q: What if my child doesn’t like sports? 

A: Not all kids enjoy team sports, and that’s okay. There are many other ways to stay active, like dancing, swimming, bike riding, or playing at the park. Assist your child in discovering activities they find enjoyable.

Q: How can I get my kids to eat more vegetables? 

A: Try making veggies fun by cutting them into shapes, adding them to favorite dishes, or letting kids help prepare them. Offer a variety of veggies and praise kids for trying new foods.

Q: Is it okay for kids to use screens sometimes? 

A: Yes, some screen time is fine. The key is balance. Set time limits, choose quality content, and make sure screens don’t replace physical activity, social time, or sleep.

Q: What if we don’t have time for exercise with our busy schedule? 

A: Look for ways to add movement to your daily routine. Walk to school, have dance parties while doing chores, or play active games during TV commercials. Every bit of activity helps.

Also Read:

10 Healthy Good Habits For Kids That They Should Develop for a Bright Future


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