What is the PCOD problem? All you need to know in 2024. 

Poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), often referred to as PCOD (poly-cystic ovary disorder), is a prevalent hormonal disorder. Hormonal disturbances affect menstruation and fertility, among other issues.

Cause 1. Hormonal Imbalance 2. Genetic Factor 3. Insulin Resistance 4. Lifestyle Factor 5. Inflammation 6. Environmental Influence

Symptoms  1. Irregular Period 2. Excess Hair Lo 3. Acne 4. Weight Gain 5. Darkened Skin 6.  Mood Swin 7.  Pelvic Pain

Diagnostic  1. Medical History 2. Physical Examination 3. Hormone Test 4. Ultrasound 5. Rule Out Other Condition 6. Comprehensive Evaluation

Treatment Strategies  1. Lifestyle Modification 2. Medication 3. Anti-androgen Medication 4. Fertility Treatment 5. Weight Management 6. Surgery

Education, advocacy, and self-care are key components of empowering women with PCOD problems.